
Habib Ammari  

Professor of Applied Mathematics
Department of Mathematics
ETH Zürich

Email: habib.ammari@math.ethz.ch
Phone: +41 44 633 8031, Fax: +41 44 632 1104

Postal address:
Department of Mathematics
Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich

Biographical Sketch (Cv in pdf ; Full Publication List ; Inaugural lecture at ETH )

    Habib Ammari is a Professor of Applied Mathematics at ETH Zürich. He is also a Senior Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study. Before moving to ETH, he was a Director of Research at the Department of Mathematics and Applications at Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris. He received a Bachelor's degree in 1992, a Master's degree in 1993, and a Ph.D. in applied mathematics in 1995, all from the Ecole Polytechnique, France. Following this, he received a Habilitation degree in Mathematics from the University of Pierre & Marie Curie in Paris three years later. Habib Ammari is a world leading expert in wave propagation phenomena in complex media, mathematical modelling in photonics and phononics, and mathematical biomedical imaging. He has published more than three hundred research papers, nine high profile research-oriented books and edited eight books on contemporary issues in applied mathematics. He has advised forty PhD students and twenty seven postdoctoral researchers. He has one hundred sixty co-authors, originally from thirty six different countries. Habib Ammari was awarded a European Research Council Advanced Grant in 2010 in recognition of the excellence of his achievements and his outstanding research program in mathematical imaging. He was named the 2013 winner of the Kuwait Prize in Basic Sciences and received this prestigious prize from His Highness the Emir of Kuwait. In 2015, he was the recipient of the Khwarizmi International Award in Basic Sciences, which is the highest honor accorded by His Excellency the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran for intellectual achievement. Habib Ammari has been a fellow of the Tunisian Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts since 2015 and of the European Academy of Sciences since 2018. Since 2021, he has been also fellow of the American Mathematical Society (2022 Class) and the Academia Europaea . He is listed as an ISI highly cited researcher.

Visiting Professorships

MSRI, UC Berkeley, IPAM, UCLA, Seoul National University, Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Yonsei University.

Current Research Interests

  • Mathematics of subwavelength physics
  • Mathematics of bio-inspired imaging, perception, and neural natural intelligence
  • Mathematics of multi-wave medical imaging and super-resolution

Graduate Teaching at ETH

Prizes, Honors, and Awards

Recent Honors Awarded to Associated People

Recent Invitations

Recent Talks


Authored Books

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Edited Books

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Former PhD Students (on Mathematics Genealogy Project)

Current PhD Students

Silvio Barandun, Thea Kosche, Liora Rueff, Clemens Thalhammer, Alexander Uhlmann.

Former Post-Docs

Current Post-Docs

Selected Recent Synergetic Activities