ETH Zurich SAM

Prof. R. Jeltsch

Prof. R. Jeltsch


Seminar of Applied Mathematics
8092 Zurich
- Curriculum Vitae
- List of Publications
- Ph. D. Students
- Evaluation 2008
- Vortrag 4. Mai 2009, Zürich Tourismus, Herausforderungen Mathematikerkongress 2007
- Einführungsvorlesung 28.11.1990, ETH Zürich, Numerische Mathematik - gestern, heute, morgen
- Abschiedsvorlesung 01.11.2010, ETH Zürich, Gestern Numerik - heute Computational Science and Engineering?
- Are Quantitative Research Indicators Good or Bad?', lecture held at a Special Workshop on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Fundan University, Shanghai, P.R.China, February 11-13, 2011
- 'Communication and Collaboration with and within Industry', Workshop on the ICMI-ICIAM Study EIMI, 4 November 2011, University of Macau

Last changed on 10-09-2013 by Dominique Ballarin Dolfin