Konstantin Andritsch

Konstantin Andritsch

About me

I am a mathematician working on his PhD at ETH Zürich under the supervision of Manfred Einsiedler.

I finished my Masters at ETH in August 2022 under the supervision of Alessandra Iozzi. My thesis is connected to geometric group theory with the title "Bounded Cohomology of Groups acting on Cantor sets".

My fields of interest are homogeneous dynamics and ergodic theory. Currently, I am interested in the equidistribution of 2-dimensional lattices and their corresponding shapes in a 4-dimensional quadratic space.

Contact information

Postal address

ETH Zurich Konstantin Andritsch Department of Mathematics Group 1 HG J 16.2 Rämistrasse 101 8092 Zurich Switzerland

Contact data

+41 44 632 4097 https://people.math.ethz.ch/~kandritsch