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Invariant Manifolds and Resonances in a Synchronous Motor
We consider a five-dimensional, time-periodic system of ordinary differential
equations describing an electro-mechanical model of a miniature synchronous
motor. This system consist of a one-degree of freedom Hamiltonian
system and an exponentially stable linear system, the two being coupled
by periodic perturbations.
For such systems we prove the existence of a periodic solution and
discuss its stability behaviour. Using Center Manifold Theory the
problem can be reduced to a two-dimensional, time-periodic system
which is studied with the help of averaging techniques.
We prove Ljapunov stability of the periodic solution and establish
a large subset of the domain of attraction by studying capture and
passage through resonance phenomena. The actual computations in the
case of the model considered involve extensive use of computer algebra
systems. By consequence, a regular rotation of the synchronous motor
is shown for a large set of initial conditions.
For details see D. Tognola: Invariant Manifolds, Passage through
Resonance, Stability and a Computer Assisted Applictaion to a Synchronous
Motor, PhD Thesis ETH No. 12744, 1998.
D. Tognola, Prof. U. Kirchgraber
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Professor or Project Leader: : Prof. Dr. Urs Kirchgraber
Institute or Independent Professorship : Independent Professorship of Mathematics
Department : Department of Mathematics
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ETH Research Report administration : Sat Jun 19 16:30:35 1999