July 18th, at the Oberseminar Topologie in Bochum: Khovanov homology: combinatorial definition, geometric applications.
June 27th, at the Low-dimensional topology seminar at MPIM Bonn: Homogeneous braids are visually prime.
April 27th, at the Séminaire de Topologie et Géométrie in Geneva: Untwisting and surfaces in 4-space.
February 27th – March 3, at the Baby geometri seminar in Pisa: Minicourse An introduction to Khovanov homology and its applications.
February 2nd, at the Kepler Kolloquium in Regensburg: Untwisting and surfaces in 4-space.
January 24th, at the Oberwolfach Workshop "Morphisms in Low Dimensions": The joy of not being a PID.
December 21st, at the Oberseminar Geometrie in Fribourg: Unknotting, untwisting and surfaces in 4-space.
December 15th, at the Zurich Topology Seminar: Rasmussen invariants of Whitehead doubles and other satellites.
December 8th, at the Kolloquium of the Graduiertenkolleg 2491 Fourier Analysis and Spectral Theory in Göttingen: On Khovanov homology: a combinatorial construction with geometric applications.
October 25th, at the BIRS Workshop about Using Quantum Invariants to do Interesting Topology in Oaxaca: Rasmussen invariants of Whitehead doubles and other satellites. Video.
May 18th, at the Georgia Topology Conference in Athens (I'll attend online): Khovanov homology and rational unknotting. Video.
February 8th, at Notre Dame Topology Seminar: Khovanov homology and rational unknotting.
February 3rd, at the conference Recent developments in link homology theories at the SwissMAP Research Station: Khovanov homology and rational unknotting.
January 12th, at Oberseminar Globale Analysis of the University of Regensburg: Khovanov homology and rational unknotting.
March 25th, at the informal weekly LKS seminar: Sperner's lemma.
March 19th, at a block seminar on 3-manifolds organized by Raphael Zentner: Murasugi sums and fibered links (talk shared with Filip Misev).
March 9th, at a weekly online seminar on 4-manifolds of the MPIM Bonn: S-equivalence of matrices and isometries of linking forms (talk shared with Anthony Conway).
December 21st, at the HIOB seminar of the Regensburg SFB: Khovanov homology: a combinatorial tool with geometric applications.
December 15th, at a weekly online seminar on 4-manifolds of the MPIM Bonn: Various characterizations of the Z-slice genus.
May 29th, at the CIRGET Geometry and Topology Seminar: Squeezed knots. Video.
April 16th, at the [K-OS] Knot Online Seminar: Unknotting and cobordism distances. Video.
October 24th, at the Kepler Kolloquium in Regensburg: Quantum invariants, knot concordance and unknotting.
September 16th, at the Workshop on 4-manifolds at the MPIM: Untwisting torus knots.
June 18th, at the conference Knot concordance and low-dimensional manifolds in Le Croisic: Concordance and Khovanov-Rozansky homologies.
May 9th, at the workshop at Matemale: Bridge trisections of knotted surfaces in S^4 (on the paper by Meier and Zupan).
April 16th, at the Topology Seminar of the IMJ in Paris: Unknotting and Surfaces.
February 18th, at the Mathematical Colloquium of Bern: Unknotting and Surfaces.
January 18th, at the Institut Fourier, Grenoble: Linking pairings and unknotting numbers.
November 27th, at the Topology Seminar at the Math Institute of the University of Bonn: Linking pairings and unknotting numbers.
November 13th, at the Seminar Algebra and Geometry of the University of Basel: Positivity, Graphs and Unknotting.
April 27th, at the Knot theory seminar at Warsaw University: Genus and Unknotting.
April 17th, at the Seminar of the SFB Higher Invariants at Regensburg: Balanced unknotting, Blanchfield form, and surfaces in 3- and 4-space.
March 15th, at the Boston College Geometry/Topology seminar: Balanced unknotting, Blanchfield form, and surfaces in 3- and 4-space.
March 7th, at the conference Quantum Knot Homology and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories at the Aspen Center for Physics: Upsilon-like invariants from Khovanov-Rozansky sl(n) homologies.
November 27th, at the Séminaire Géométrie, Dynamique et Topologie of the Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille: L'homologie de Khovanov-Rozansky entre les nœuds positifs et négatifs.
November 24th, at the Séminaire Topologies of the Institut Montpelliérain Alexander Grothendieck: Graphes planaires et clôtures de tresses positives.
June 27th, at the workshop Quantum topology and categorified representation theory at the
Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge:
An Upsilon-like invariant from Khovanov-Rozansky homology. Video.
April 27th, at the Séminaire de Topologie et Géométrie in Geneva: L'homologie de Khovanov-Rozansky entre les nœuds positifs et négatifs.
April 5th, at the University of Zurich: Khovanov-Rozansky homology in between positive and negative knots.
March 27th, at the Séminaire quantique in Strasbourg: Khovanov-Rozansky homology in between positive and negative knots.
February 16th, at the seminar of the programme Homology theories in low dimensional topology at the Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge: The Seifert form's optimal bounds for slice genera. Video.
October 26th, at the Seminar on knot concordance and 4-manifolds of the
Topology Trimester at the HIM (Bonn):
Slice genus bounds from the Seifert form.
May 4th, at Oberseminar Globale Analysis of the University of Regensburg:
Seifert Form and Slice Genus of Knots.
February 23rd, at the BIRS Workshop about Synchronizing Smooth and Topological 4-Manifolds in Banff:
Upper bounds for the topological slice genus of knots. Video.
September 15th, at the Topology Seminar of the IMJ in Paris: Théorie des nombres et genre slice topologique des nœuds.
June 13th, at the special session
Categorification of Quantum groups, Representations and Knot Invariants of the
Joint AMS-EMS-SPM meeting in Porto:
New quantum obstructions to sliceness.
April 28th, at the Zurich Graduate Colloquium: What is... a knot's slice genus?
April 15th, at the Seminar "Quantum Groups and Low-Dimensional Topology" of the University Zurich: Khovanov-Rozansky homologies with non-standard potentials.
November 19th, at the Colloquium of Tohoku University: The asymptotic slice genus of alternating knots.
September 22nd, at the Mathematical Colloquium of Bern: Quantum obstructions to sliceness of knots.
September 19th, at the Knot Theory Session-Symposium of the DMV-PTM Joint Meeting in Poznań: Khovanov-Rozansky homologies induce non-additive four-ball genus bounds.
September 17th, at the Oberwolfach Workshop "Topologie": Khovanov-Rozansky homologies induce non-additive four-ball genus bounds.
July 2nd, in Regensburg: Neue Schranken für das vierdimensionale Geschlecht.
June 19th, at the Institut de Mathématiques de Bourgogne: De nouvelles obstructions quantiques au genre slice des nœuds.
May 22nd, at the MPI-Oberseminar: New quantum obstructions to sliceness.
April 28th, at the Oberseminar Topologie of the WWU Münster: New quantum obstructions to smooth sliceness of knots.
January 21st, at the Topology Seminar of the George Washington University: More on Khovanov-Rozansky concordance invariants.
January 19th, at Knots in Washington XXXVII: The Khovanov-Rozansky concordance invariants.
January 8th, at the Centre for Quantum Geometry of Moduli Spaces, Aarhus: The Khovanov-Rozansky concordance invariants.
November 28th, at the University of Geneva Séminaire de Topologie et Géométrie: The Khovanov-Rozansky concordance invariants.
November 6th, at the Topology Reading Group, Durham: The Khovanov-Rozansky concordance invariants.
November 8th, at the London Topology and Geometry Seminar: The Khovanov-Rozansky concordance invariants.
October 24th, at the Boston College Geometry/Topology seminar: The Khovanov-Rozansky concordance invariants.
October 22th, at the UC Davis Geometry/Topology seminar: The Khovanov-Rozansky concordance invariants.
October 22th, at the UC Davis Student-Run Geometry/Topology seminar: An introduction to the Khovanov-Rozansky homologies.
October 20th, at the Joint Los Angeles Topology Seminar: The Khovanov-Rozansky concordance invariants.
October 17th, at Stony Brook's Thursday Topology Seminar: The Khovanov-Rozansky concordance invariants.
October 14th, at an informal seminar at Columbia University: The Khovanov-Rozansky concordance invariants.
September 26th, at the University of Zurich: The Khovanov-Rozansky concordance invariants.
June 17th, at the Pure Maths Colloquium, Durham: Knot concordance, slice-torus homomorphisms and the Khovanov-Rozansky homologies.
June 5, at the Workshop on "Geometry and topology of smooth 4-manifolds", Bonn: Distinguishing the Khovanov-Rozansky knot concordance invariants.
May 6th, at the Université catholique de Louvain: The Rasmussen and other slice-torus knot concordance invariants.
April 26th, at Young Topology Meeting: Knot Concordance.
April 5th, at Swiss Knots: The Khovanov-Rozansky concordance invariants.
October 8th, in the working group TQFT et catégorification (IMJ): Les bornes au genre lisse fournies par les homologies sl(n) sont distinctes.
February 29th, at the winterschool of la Llagonne, together with Pierre Dehornoy:
L'espace de Teichmüller et sa compactification.
February 6th, at the conference Topologie quantique et catégorification at the CIRM:
-link homology and a Lower Bound for the Slice Genus and
-link homology of Knotted Webs and of their Branched Klein-Coverings.
March, at the winterschool of la Llagonne:
Des nouvelles manières de calculer l'invariant de concordance de Rasmussen.
December 9th, in an informal seminar (IMJ): Qu'est-ce qu'une suite spectrale?
October 11th, in the working group TQFT et Catégorification:
Calcul de l'homologie de Khovanov et de l'invariant de Rasmussen.
April 15th, in an informal seminar (IMJ): La sphère de Poincaré.
March 3rd and 4th, together with Louis-Hadrien Robert and Christian Blanchet, at the winterschool of la Llagonne: Topological moduli spaces of knots about Allen Hatcher's draft of the same name.
February 22nd, in the working group Algèbre et Topologie quantiques:
Représentation de sur la 2-catégorie des drapeaux
about §6 of the paper of Khovanov and Lauda, see below.
February 15th, in the working group Algèbre et Topologie quantiques:
Cohomologie des variétés de drapeaux à n pas
about §5 of Khovanov and Lauda's paper A diagrammatic approach to categorification of quantum groups III.