Lukas Lewark


I was at the ETH Zürich in April and May of 2023, as a guest of the FIM.

The Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Cambridge invited me for the programme Homology Theories in Low Dimensional Topology in 2017, and I spent a total of four weeks in Cambridge.

The Max Planck Institute for Mathematics invited me to spend October 2016 in Bonn.

The Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn invited me to stay from April till August 2014.


Co-organizer of the Zurich graduate colloquium.

Co-organizer of the [K-OS] Knot online seminar, an ongoing monthly virtual research seminar.

Co-organizer of the Regensburg low-dimensional geometry and topology seminar, a weekly virtual research seminar that ran from May 2020 until July 2021.



Swiss Knots in Geneva (I'm on the scientific committee)


Minisymposium on Knot theory and low dimensional manifolds at the upcoming 9th European Congress of Mathematics (I'm an organizer)


Swiss Knots 2023 in Regensburg (I'm one of the organisers)

I gave an introductory minicourse on Khovanov homology at the Baby geometri seminar in Pisa (talk)

Oberwolfach Workshop "Morphisms in Low Dimensions" (talk)


BIRS Workshop Using Quantum Invariants to do Interesting Topology in Oaxaca (talk)

DMV Annual Meeting 2022 in Berlin (I'm one of the organizers of the section S06 Topology and Geometry)

Georgia Topology Conference in Athens (I'll attend online) (talk)

Conference Recent developments in link homology theories at the SwissMAP Research Station (talk)


Joint student workshop and research conference Perspectives on quantum link homology theories in Regensburg (I'm one of the organisers)

Swiss Knots in Fribourg (I'm on the scientific committee)


Oberwolfach Workshop "Low-dimensional Topology"

BIRS Workshop about Using Quantum Invariants to do Interesting Topology at Oaxaca (canceled due to the pandemic)


Groups, geometries, and spaces in honour of Alessandra Iozzi at the ETHZ

Workshop on Trisections of smooth 4-manifolds in Matemale (talk)

Knot concordance and low-dimensional manifolds in Le Croisic (talk)

5th Bavarian Geometry & Topology Meeting in Regensburg (I'm one of the organisers)

Swiss Knots at the ETHZ (I'm one of the organisers)

Workshop on 4-manifolds at the MPIM (talk)

Workshop on low-dimensional topology in Regensburg (I'm one of the organisers)

Miniworkshop on geometric group theory at the LMU in Munich

Bavarian Geometry & Topology Meeting VI in Augsburg


Knotted embeddings in dimensions 3 and 4 at the CIRM

Quantum Knot Homology and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories at the Aspen Center for Physics (talk)


Quantum topology and categorified representation theory in Cambridge (talk)

Swiss Knots in Bern (I'm one of the organisers)


Conference on 4-manifolds and knot concordance at the MPIM, Bonn

BIRS Workshop about Synchronizing Smooth and Topological 4-Manifolds (talk)


La Llagonne

Categorification in Algebra, Geometry and Physics in Cargèse

Swiss Knots in Geneva

Joint AMS-EMS-SPM meeting in Porto (talk)


Knots in Washington XXXVII (talk)

Topologie géométrique et quantique en dimension 3 at the CIRM

Oberwolfach Workshop "Topologie" (talk)

DMV-PTM Joint Meeting in Poznań (talk)


Swiss Knots in Bern (talk)

Young topology meeting in London (talk)

Workshop on "Geometry and topology of smooth 4-manifolds" in Bonn (talk)

Short Course on Topology in Low Dimensions in Durham


La Llagonne (talk)

Topologie quantique et catégorification in Marseille (talks)


La Llagonne (talk)

Invariants pour la topologie de basse dimension in Vannes

Swiss Knots in Thun

Quantum groups, categorification and braids in Strasbourg


La Llagonne (talk)

Knots in Poland III in Będlewo

Winter Braids in Pau


Swiss Knots in Fribourg

Last update: 3 March 2025.