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Mario V. Wüthrich is Professor for Actuarial Science in the Department of Mathematics at ETH Zurich.

▸ Statistical Foundations of Actuarial Learning and its Applications, Springer Actuarial, 2023.
▸ Lecture Notes: Experience Rating in Insurance Pricing, SSRN Manuscript ID 4726206, 2024.




Upcoming Events




▸ Upcoming Lectures in Actuarial Sciences
ETH Zurich

▸ Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics
ETH Zurich
▸ International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
July 9-11, 2024
▸ Scandincavian Actuarial Conference
University of Copenhagen
August 14-16, 2024
▸ Annual Meeting of the Swiss Association of Actuaries
September 6, 2024
▸ European Actuarial Journal Conference
ISEG, Lisbon
September 9-11, 2024
▸ ETH Risk Day
ETH Zurich
September 13, 2024
▸ ASTIN and AFIR-ERM Colloquium
Brussels, Belgium
September 22-26, 2024
▸ ASTIN and AFIR-ERM Colloquium
Sao Paulo, Brazil
May 18-21, 2025
▸ Insurance Data Science Conference
Bayes Business School, London
June 19-20, 2025
▸ SAA International Summer School
University of Lausanne
September 8-12, 2025
▸ International Congress of Actuaries ICA
Tokyo, Japan
November 8-13, 2026