PhD Students
Dominik Schlagenhauf, from September 1, 2023- , ETH, Zurich.
Jerome Wettstein, Postdoc at Florida Technology University, PhD Thesis: Critical local and nonlocal PDEs and improved Regularity Results ETH, Zurich, 2019-2022.
Francesco Palmurella, Postdoc at Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, PhD Thesis: The Germain–Poisson Problem and Variational Aspects of the Willmore Lagrangian, ETH, Zurich (co-advised with Tristan Rivière), 2015-2021.
Vincenzo Ignazio, PhD Thesis: Mean Field Game Partial Differential Equations and Measure Valued Jump Diffusions ETH, Zurich (co-advised with Mete Soner), 2015-2020.
Post-Doc Students
Dr. Ali Hyder, Assistant Professor at TIFR, Bangalore (SNF Postdoc.Mobility Fellowship Return Grant, 1.11.2020-31.10.2021)
Bachelor & Master students
MSc Theses
- Matasci Luca, Master Thesis: Viscosity Methods for the Homogenization of First Order Partial Differential Equations, April 2010, ETH, Zurich.
- Nuo Chen, Master Thesis: Viscosity solutions of fully nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations September 2023, ETH, Zurich
- Nina Goldhirsch, Master Thesis: The Lavrentiev Phenomenon, September 2024, ETH, Zurich.
BSc Theses
- Pellegrini Fabio,Bachelor Thesis: Introduction to Conservation Laws, December 2010, ETH, Zurich.
- François Chalus,Bachelor Thesis: Continuous viscosity solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations and existence/uniqueness results, June 2016, ETH, Zurich.
- Stanislav Gnap,Bachelor Thesis: Theory of Distributions and applications, September 2016, ETH, Zurich.
- Cecilia Lombardi, Bachelor Thesis: Area and Coarea Formulas, September 2017, ETH, Zurich.
- Gustav Hermann,Bachelor Thesis: Differentiation of Measures, June 2017, ETH, Zurich.
- Elyas Erdogan, Bachelor Thesis: Fouriertransformation von Distributionen und deren Anwendung auf partielle Differentialgleichungen, June 2017, ETH, Zurich.
- Luca Fontana, Bachelor Thesis: Hausdorff Dimension and Fractal Geometry, June 2017, ETH, Zurich.
- Adrien Weihs, Bachelor Thesis: Proof of an Isoperimetric Inequality through Couplings,June 2018, ETH, Zurich.
- Daniel Paunovic, Bachelor Thesis: The wave equation and some related applications, Febraury 2019, ETH, Zurich.
- Nadja Aoutouf, Bachelor Thesis: Poisson kernel and Hardy spaces, February 2019, ETH, Zurich.
- Matteo Salerno, Bachelor Thesis: Functions of Bounded Variation in One Dimension, May 2021, ETH Zurich.
- Sabrina Galfetti, Bachelor Thesis:Some pathological sets in the standard theory of Lebesgue measure, ETH Zurich, June 2021.
- Enea Rossi, Bachelor Thesis: Lorentz Spaces: Interpolation and Duals, ETH Zurich, August 2021.
- Silvan Suter, Bachelor Thesis: An Introduction to Capacity and Applications to Sobolev Functions, December 2021, ETH Zurich.
- Antonio Casetta, Bachelor Thesis: An Introduction to the Fixed Point Theorems, May 2022, ETH Zurich.
- Samuel Kunz, Bachelor Thesis: Covering theorems and applications, May 2022, ETH Zurich.
- Nuo Chen, Bachelor Thesis: Isoperimetric inequalities July 2022, ETH, Zurich.
- Lukas Hoffer, Bachelor Thesis: An excursion into Sobolev and Poincaré inequalities July 2022, ETH Zurich.
- Samuel Huber, Bachelor Thesis: An Introduction to Littlewood-Paley Theory, January 2023, ETH Zurich.
- Lorenz Zauater, Bachelor Thesis: The Cauchy-Kovalevskaya Theorem, April 2023, ETH Zurich.
- Flavio Dalessi, Bachelor Thesis: An overview of Jordan measure, May 2023, ETH Zurich.
- Nina Goldhirsch, Bachelor Thesis, Introduction to Nonlinear Analysis: Inversion Theorems and Applications, June 2023, ETH Zurich.
- Tristan Lovsin Barle, Bachelor Thesis, An introduction to the classical and direct methods of the Calculus of Variations, July 2024, ETH Zurich.
- Marilena Zambrano, Bachelor Thesis, Brunn-Minkowski Inequality, July 2024, ETH Zurich.
- Maurice Schmit,, Bachelor Thesis, The Fredholm alternative and an application to linear second-order elliptic boundary-value problems, July 2024, ETH Zurich.
- Daniele Valerio,Introduction to Morse Theory Bachelor Thesis, November 2024, ETH Zurich.
- Greta Merlini, ongoing, ETH Zurich.
- Nicolas Münchinger, ongoing, ETH Zurich.
Semester and Reading Papers
- Antoine Gruet, Semester paper: The Ergodic Control in the Mean Field Game Theory, June 2017, ETH, Zurich.
- David Aleman Espinosa, Semester paper: The dynamic programming principle and the finite horizon problem, July 2019, ETH, Zurich.
- Lauro Silini, Reading paper: Some results about regularity of solutions to elliptic PDEs, November 2018, ETH, Zurich.
- Karan Khazanchi, Reading paper: An extension problem related to the fractional Laplacian, by Caffarelli-Silvestre, September 2019, ETH, Zurich.
- Tim Möbus, Semester paper: Existence of a Regular Solution of the Semigeostrophic Equations via Monge-Ampère, November 2019, ETH Zurich.
- Francesco Fiorani, Reading paper: Classical maximum principles, September 2020, ETH Zurich.
- Michele Caselli, Reading paper: Proof of De Giorgi's theorem via Moser's iteration scheme, September 2020, ETH Zurich.
- Jonathan Junné, Reading paper: Generalized functions and tempered distributions, November 2020, ETH Zurich.
- Zhanfeng Lim, Reading paper: Ishii's Lemma in the theory of viscosity solutions to second order elliptic PDEs, January 2021, ETH Zurich.
- Eric Ströher, Semester paper: Maximum principle type properties of second order PDE's, June 2022, ETH Zurich.
- Sabrina Galfetti, Semester paper: Caldéron Zygmund Theory, January 2023, ETH Zurich.
- Leonardo Comi, Semester paper: Introduction to Optimal Control and Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations, January 2023 , ETH Zurich.
- Federica Casanova, Semester paper: Introduction to differential stochastic equations, December 2023, ETH Zurich.
- Arianna Guadagnini, Reading paper: Hamilton Jacobi equations and Hopf-Lax Formula, December 2023, ETH Zurich.