Jakob Heiss



Please let me know if you are interested in doing your thesis or any other research project with me. Supervising projects is my favorite aspect of teaching :) I have multiple open projects for different levels. Or you can propose your own topic (if it is related to my research).

(Co-)supervised Master theses

(Co-)supervised Semester theses

(Co-)supervised Bachelor theses

(Co-)supervised research assitents/interns

(Co-)supervised projects for ML in Finance

Teaching at ETH

Group 3 (Probability Theory, Insurance Mathematics and Stochastic Finance)

The office hours for Group 3 can be found here. Alternatively, you can ask questions regarding my courses during an exercise class or any time in the forum. You can ask generic math questions at math.stackexchange.com (you can additionally send me or your TA a link to your question via e-mail). If none of the above options suits you, please don't hesitate to write me an e-mail, if you are interested in doing a project with me (e.g., a thesis) or if you have any questions (connected to my research) or if you find any mistake in the lecture notes or the exercise sheet or if you have any other question or remark. (Please check the course website, VZZ, the forum, and the Group 3 website before asking me administrative questions via e-mail.)

Teaching at TU Vienna

Institute of Discrete Mathematics and Geometry

Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing