VPN with MFA «passwordless»
See also this project: https://github.com/matteocorti/vpn_eth
In both cases (macOS or Linux), extend your PATH
as follow:
[ ! -d ~/bin ] && mkdir ~/bin
export PATH=" {PATH}"
and also add the export
command in you shell configuration (ex. ~/.zsh
, ~/.bash_profile
, ~/.bashrc
Setup for macOS with Cisco Secure Client
Step 1
Install the oathtool
tool, needed to generate the OTP code from command line:
# with MacPorts
sudo port install oath-toolkit
# with Homebrew (not yet tested)
brew install oath-toolkit
# from Source
curl -s -L -O https://download.savannah.nongnu.org/releases/oath-toolkit/oath-toolkit-2.6.11.tar.gz
tar xf oath-toolkit-2.6.11.tar.gz
cd oath-toolkit-2.6.11
cp -a oathtool/{oathtool,.libs} ~/bin
Step 2
Save your VPN Password to your Keychain Access as follow:
security add-generic-password -a U" -U -w
==> Enter your ETH WiFi/VPN password
Step 3
Save your OTP Secret (see below About the «OTP Secret») to your Keychain Access as follow:
security add-generic-password -a U" -U -w
==> Enter your ETH OTP secret
Step 4
Create a script called vpn
in your ~/bin
like this:
#! /bin/bash
USER="your_username"; # <--- change this with your ETH username
VPN_PASSWORD=" USER -s ethvpn -w)";
OTP_SECRET=" USER -s ethotp -w)";
case {VPN} -s status | grep -q Disconnected; then
echo -e " {REALM}.ethz.ch\n {OTP_CODE}\n" | {VPN_SERVER}/ {VPN} status | grep -q Connected; then
{VPN} status;;
echo " Usage: <c|d|i>";
echo " c : connect";
echo " d : disconnect";
echo " i : info";
and set the correct permissions:
chmod 700 ~/bin/vpn
Setup for Linux with OpenConnect
I'm working on it...
Start VPN:
vpn c
Stop VPN:
vpn d
Check if VPN is running or not:
vpn i
About the «OTP Secret»
You get your OTP Secret when you register the first time for MFA (Multi-Factor-Authentication) as shown in the following screenshot:

See also:
If you don't have the OTP Secret you can reset it and register again or – if you are using the Google Authenticator App – you can "get" the OTP Secret from there, but the procedure is quite complicated and not covered in this document (see for instance this project).