Preparing a Curriculum Vitae
What is required?
Fill out the application
and attach a curriculum vitae.
Regardless of life’s length
its outline should be short.
Mandatory are conciseness and selectivity.
Substitution of addresses for landscapes
and firm dates for shaky memories.
Of all the loves only the marital will do,
and of all the children only those actually born.
More important than whom you know is who knows you.
Mention travel only if abroad.
Membership in what but without the whatfors.
Honors but without the wherefores.
Write as though you have never talked with yourself
and have always steered clear of yourself.
Say nothing about your dogs, cats and birds,
your precious keepsakes, friends and dreams.
Rather the price than the value, the title than the contents.
Rather the size of the shoes than where he is going,
the person they take you for.
Attach a snapshot too, with one ear exposed.
What counts is its shape, not what it hears.
And what does it hear?
The clatter of machines turning paper into pulp.
(Wisława Szymborska)
What is required?
Fill out the application
and attach a curriculum vitae.
Regardless of life’s length
its outline should be short.
Mandatory are conciseness and selectivity.
Substitution of addresses for landscapes
and firm dates for shaky memories.
Of all the loves only the marital will do,
and of all the children only those actually born.
More important than whom you know is who knows you.
Mention travel only if abroad.
Membership in what but without the whatfors.
Honors but without the wherefores.
Write as though you have never talked with yourself
and have always steered clear of yourself.
Say nothing about your dogs, cats and birds,
your precious keepsakes, friends and dreams.
Rather the price than the value, the title than the contents.
Rather the size of the shoes than where he is going,
the person they take you for.
Attach a snapshot too, with one ear exposed.
What counts is its shape, not what it hears.
And what does it hear?
The clatter of machines turning paper into pulp.
(Wisława Szymborska)
Short CV
Academic appointments
- Sep 2024 - Jun 2025: von Neumann Fellow at the School of Mathematics (IAS), Princeton, USA.
- Apr 2023 - present: Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics at ETH Zürich, Switzerland.
- Apr 2019 - Mar 2023: Titular Professor at the Department of Mathematics at ETH Zürich, Switzerland.
- Oct 2017 - Mar 2019: Assistant Professor (with tenure) at the Department of Mathematics at the Durham University, UK.
- Oct 2015 - Sep 2017: Research Associate at the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics at the University of Cambridge, UK. Mentor: Prof. Clément Mouhot.
Dec 2015: Phd degree at the University of Rome Sapienza and at École Polytechnique in Paris.
Title of thesis: Dynamics of large particle systems.
Advisors: Prof. Emanuele Caglioti and Prof. François Golse.
Grade: Ottimo (Italian) and Très Honorable (French). -
Jul 2012: Master degree ath University of Rome Sapienza.
Title of thesis: Equazione di Vlasov-Poisson e smorzamento di Landau (Vlasov-Poisson equation and Landau damping).
Advisor: Prof. Emanuele Caglioti.
Grade: 110/110 cum laude. -
Dec 2009: Bachelor degree at the University of Rome Sapienza.
Title of the thesis: Gruppi di riflessione (Reflection groups). Advisor: Prof. Alessandro D’Andrea.
Grade: 110/110 cum laude.
Honours & awards
- 2025-2030: SNSF Starting Grant (Swiss ERC) Challenges and Breakthroughs in the Mathematics of Plasmas (CHF 1.68m, 11.5% success rate).
- 2024 - 2025: von Neumann Fellow, School of Mathematics (IAS), Princeton, USA.
- 2021: Invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematical Physics (ICMP), in the scientific session on Partial Differential Equations.
- 2021 - 2023: CO-PI of the Germaine de Staël Funding Program for French-Swiss cooperation (together with Francesco Salvarani).
- 2015: L'Oréal prize for Women in Science, French edition for Phd students and postdoctoral researchers.
- 2015: PI of the Starting Research Grant from the University of Rome Sapienza.