Service to the mathematical community
Editorial work
- 2025 - present: Corresponding editor for SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis.
- 2024 - present: Associate editor of Bulletin des sciences mathématiques.
- 2022 - present: Associate editor of Kinetic and Related Models.
Academic service at ETH
- Aug 2024 - 2026: Deputy Director of Studies.
- Mar 2023: Invited panelist, Zurich Graduate School of Mathematics Forum, ETH and UZH.
- 2021 - present: Chair of the Zürich Colloquium in Mathematics.
- 2021 - present: Co-organiser of the Kinetic theory seminar at ETH Zürich and Universität Basel.
- 2020: Hiring committee member for a SwissMAP Assistant Professorship in Mathematical Physics.
- 2019 - present: Member of the GoMath Steering Committee.
- 2019 - present: Co-organiser for the Zürich Colloquium in Mathematics.
- 2019 - present: Co-organiser of the PDE and Mathematical Physics at ETH Zürich and UZH.
- 2019 - present: Co-organiser of the Analysis Seminar.
Academic service at other institutions
- 2024: Hiring committee member for a Tenure Track (RTT) position in Mathematical Physics (MAT/07) at the Department of Mathematics “Federigo Enriques”, Milan, Italy.
- 2024: Member of the Jury Prix Schläfli for excellent doctoral theses in the natural sciences, SCNAT, Switzerland.
- 2023 - present: Committee member for the Ambizione program, Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), Switzerland.
- 2023 - present: Committee member for Catalina-Andreea Jurja at UZH, Switzerland.
- 2023: Committee member for Matthieu Ménard’s Phd. degree at the Université de Grenobles Alpes, France.
- 2023: Committee member for Alain Blaustein’s Phd. degree at the Institut de mathématiques de Toulouse, France.
- 2023: External referee for Valeria Iorio’s Phd. degree at Università degli Studi dell’Aquila, Italy.
- 2023: External referee for Stefano Rossi’s Phd. degree at University of Rome Sapienza, Italy.
- 2022-present: Expert advisor for EPSRC grants, UK.
- 2021 - present: Expert advisor for Cofund MathInGreaterParis (cofund post-doctoral fellowships).
- 2021: Hiring committee member for a Full Professor position at Université Côte d'Azur, Nice, France.
- 2021 - 2022: Secretary of SIAG/Analyis of PDEs for SIAM.
- 2020: Committee member for Leo Vivion’s Phd. degree at the Université Côte d’Azur, Nice.
- 2020: Hiring committee member for a Maître de Conférence position at Université Côte d'Azur, Nice.
- 2018: External Examiner for Davide Piazzoli’s Master Phil. degree at the University of Cambridge.
- 2018: Hiring committee member for an EPSRC post doctoral position at Durham University.
- 2017-2018: Member of the Board of Studies at Durham University.
- 2017 - 2018: Co-organiser of the Analyis Seminar at Durham University.
- 2015 - 2017: Co-organisers of the GAPDE Seminar at the University of Cambridge.
- 2015 - 2017: Member of the project PHC Sakura for French-Japanese cooperation.
- 2014-present: I serve as a referee for several international peer-reviewed journals.
Outreach, diversity and inclusion
- 2024: Invited speaker at the Noetherian Ring Seminar, Princeton, US.
- 2023: Invited speaker at the Phi:male Coffee Lecture at ETH Zurich.
- 2023 - 2025: Chair of the European Mathematical Society (EMS) Committee for Women in Mathematics (WiM).
- 2022 - present: Committee member for the EMS-EWM Summer Schools at the Institut Mittag-Leffler.
- 2022 - 2025: Elected member for the European Mathematical Society (EMS) Committee for Women in Mathematics (WiM).
- 2021: Invited speaker at Indovina chi viene a cena? Aperitivo con le matematiche, event addressed to high school students on the occasion of the initiative May 12, Celebrating Women in Mathematics.
- 2021: Meeting with high school students in occasion of the Mirzakhani Day, IIS Fazzini-Mercantini, Grottamamare, Italy.
- 2020 - present: Member of the Standing Committee of European Women in Mathematics (EWM).
- 2019 - present: Scientific support to RAW Abruzzo (Resident of Abruzzo in the world) campus OR.A. with the 20 best students of Abruzzo.
- 2017 - 2018: Member of the Athena SWAN committee (Woman in Mathematics) at Durham University.
- 2015 - 2017: I was involved in several activities organised by the L’Oréal Foundation for the dissemination of scientific knowledge. In particular I participate at the program Pour les filles et la science giving expository talks (in French) for high school students in the Paris area.
- 2012 - 2013: I was one of the founders/organisers of the SSCS, Scuola Sperimentale di Comunicazione della Scienza (Experimental School for Science Communication) at the Tomo Libreria in Rome.
Conference organisation
July 2026: Workshop at the SwissMAP Research Station, Les Diablerets: Regularity theory for evolution equations. Co-organised with Prof. Clément Mouhot (University of Cambridge), Dr. Amélie Loher (University of Cambridge), Dr. Annalaura Rebucci (Max Planck Institute – Leipzig).
Feb 2024: Workshop at the SwissMAP Research Station, Les Diablerets: Phase mixing, kinetic theory and fluid mechanics. Co-organised with Prof. Michele Coti-Zelati (Imperial College London).
Jan 2024: FIM conference: Kinetic and hydrodynamic PDEs. Conference in honour of François Golse’s 60th birthday. Co-organised with Prof. Laurent Desvillettes (Université de Paris) and Prof. Laure Saint-Raymond (IHES, Paris).
Nov 2023: Banach Center - Oberwolfach Graduate Seminar: Optimal Transport Theory and Hydro-dynamics (from Euler to Monge and vice versa). Co-organised with Prof. Yann Brenier (ENS Paris) and Prof. Filippo Santambrogio (Universit Lyon 1).
May 2023: 2023 BIRS-IMAG Workshop in Granada: Nonlinear diffusion and nonlocal interaction models: entropies, complexity, and multi-scale structures. Co-organised with Prof. Matteo Bonforte (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid & ICMAT), Prof. Katy Craig (University of California, Santa Barbara), and Prof. Marco Di Francesco (Università degli Studi dell’Aquila).
Jul 2022: FIM conference When Kinetic Theory meets Fluid Mechanics. Co-organised with Prof. Mahir Hadžic (UCL London) and Prof. Alexis Vasseur (UT Austin).
Oct 2018: Oberwolfach Seminar: Optimal Transport Theory and Hydrodynamics (from Euler to Monge and vice versa). Co-organised with Prof. Yann Brenier (ENS Paris) and Prof. Filippo Santambrogio (University Lyon 1).
- The Mathematics of Physics SwissMAP.
- International Association of Mathematical Physics IAMP.
- European Women in Mathematics EWM. From 2022 I'm a member of the Standing Committee.
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics SIAM. In 2021-2022 I'm the secretary of the group Analysis and Partial Different Equations SIAG/Analysis of PDEs for SIAM.
- Swiss Mathematical Society SMS.
- European Mathematical Society EMS. From 2022 I'm a member for the EMS Committee for Women in Mathematics (WiM).
- Unione Matematica Italiana UMI.
- ETH Women Professors Forum WPF.